Radionucleidos naturales y antropogénicos en el estuario del Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica

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Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos
The activity of isotopes of the Uranium, and Thorium series (228Ac, 212Bi, 212Pb, 226Ra, 214Bi, 214Pb) as well as 40K and 137 Cs was monitored on sediment samples collected in the Gulf of Nicoya estuary (9 30 N 84 45 W), Pacific coast of Costa Rica, and using Low Level Gamma Spectrometry. Results show a high content ( range 10 to 20 Bq/kg) of most radionucleids in those sites north of Tárcoles River mouth, inside the Gulf of Nicoya. From the Tárcoles river mouth to the south, much lower quantities were detected (2 to 4 Bq/kg). Possible sources of such isotopes are natural ores, except in the 40K case where an antropogenic origin, possible from agricultural activities along the river is likely to be the cause. Caesium in the sediments has its origin from the nuclear explosions.
Loría, L.G., Jiménez, R. y Lizano, O.G. (2002). Radionucleídos naturales y antropogénicos en el estuario del Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica. Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, 9(2), 74-78.