Amador, JChacón, RLaporte, S2024-06-182024-06-182000Amador, J.A., Chacón, R.E. y Laporte, S. (2000). Cuenca del Río Arenal: Análisis de los eventos La Niña 1988-89 y 1996. Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, 7(1), 22-42. precipitation patterns during La Niña events of 1988-89 and 1996 are analyzed for the Arenal River Basin. Pentad data are used to study the rainfall distribution for Naranjos Agrios (in the northwestern part of the basin), La Unión (central part) and Caño Negro (southeastern portion) during those events. From the results obtained, it could be inferred that La Niña events generally decrease the precipitation in the basin, especially that one from the northern and western parts by means of systems originated in the Caribbean side such as tropical waves, hurricanes and meridional propagation, which appear to be the more relevant in the rainfall positive anomalies. Some extreme events are difficult to associate with the above systems, but nevertheless its presence is very important to determine rainfall the basinesCuenca del Río Arenal: Análisis de los eventos La Niña 1988-89 y 1996Article