Lavín, M.FFiedler, P.CAmador, JBallance, L.TFärber-Lorda, JMesta-Nuñete, A.M2024-07-022024-07-022006Lavín, M.F., Fiedler, P.C., Amador, J.A., Ballance, L.T., Färber-Lorda, J. y Mestas-Nuñez, A.M. (2006). A review of eastern tropical Pacific oceanography: Summary. Progress in Oceanography, 69(2-4), 391-398. collection of articles in this volume reviewing eastern tropical Pacific oceanography is briefly summarized, and updated references are given. The region is an unusual biological environment as a consequence of physical characteristics and patterns of forcing – including a strong and shallow thermocline, the ITCZ and coastal wind jets, equatorial upwelling, the Costa Rica Dome, eastern boundary and equatorial current systems, low iron input, inadequate ventilation of subthermocline waters, and dominance of ENSO-scale temporal variability. Remaining unanswered questions are presented.enNATURAL SCIENCES::Earth sciences::Atmosphere and hydrosphere sciences::OceanographyA review of eastern tropical Pacific oceanography: SummaryArticle